B.Padma Vijetha Dev
Assistant Professor
About myself
B.Padma Vijetha Dev, Assistant Professor in Computer Science & Engineering, completed M.Tech in Computer Science Engineering from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur and B.Tech in Computer Science Technology from Sathyabama Deemed University, Chennai having overall 9 years of academic and research experience and Presently working as Assistant Professor from a prestigious institution Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.Her areas of Research are Information Retrieval Systems.
She is well skilled in communication and comprehension .She has delivered scheduled lecturers to sophomore and freshman students. She conveyed subject matter and lecture to the students in a creative way. She has conducted Moodle Courses effectively for handled subjects. She evaluated the students individually to identify areas of difficulties.
She researched study materials per syllabus requirements. She performed experimental activities and drew out conclusions. She has thorough understanding of the subject. She is knowledgeable in internal administrative tasks.She guided mini and major projects under graduate level and one of her projects got shorlisted for 1st AICTE Chhatra Vishwakarma Awards 2017.
She has successfully completed an AICTE approved Faculty Development Programme(FDP201x) on Pedagogy for online and Blended Teaching- Learning Process conducted by IIT Bombay from September 14, 2017 to October 12, 2017 and stood top amongst 241 performers from a total of 5308 participants in the programme
☎ Contact Details
B.Padma Vijetha Dev
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Hyderabad – 500090
Ph: 8106999514
Curriculam Vitae
Educational Details
M.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering), Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur(2008-2010)
B.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering), Sathyabama Deemed University, Chennai (2002-2006)
Professional Background
Assistant Professor in CSE Department ,Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology,Hyderabad,TS from June 2014 to till date.
Assistant Professor in CSE Department, Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology,Hyderabad,TS from June 2008 to April 2009.
Assistant Professor in CSE Department, Scient Institute of Engineering and Technology,Hyderabad,TS from June 2006 to April 2008.
Administrative Experience
Technology Cell Member
Mentoring Coordinator
Pragnya Department Faculty Coordinator
Class Coordinator
Class Councellor
CSI Coordinator
X-Kernel Department Faculty Coordinator
NAAC Department Committee Work
NBA Department Committee Work
Courses Taught
Web Technologies
Computer Networks
Software Engineering
Mobile Computing Applications
Human Computer Interaction
Object Oriented Programming through Java
Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Database Management Systems Lab
Web Technologies Lab
Unix Shell Programming and Compiler Design Lab
Industry Oriented Mini Projects Lab
MicroControllers Lab
Information Security and Data Mining & Data Warehousing Lab.
Research Papers
International Journals
B.Padma Vijetha Dev, “Browser based Instant messenger Design using WEBRTC” International Journal of Conceptions on Computing and Information Technology.Vol.4, Issue.1 ,January’2016;ISSN:2345-9808
2. B.Padma Vijetha Dev, “The Social Network analysis of IRS using Fuzzy Logic” IJCSIET- International Journal of Computer Science information and Engg., Technologies,April ‘2017 ISSN 2277-4408 || 01022017-005.
Professional Work
Certification Courses
Recognized by THE ORACLE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM As an Oracle Database SQL Certified Expert on April 21,2015
2. Certified in “Computer Organization and Architecture:A Pedagogical Aspect” NPTEL Online Certification funded by the Ministry of HRD conducted by IIT Guwahati.
Events Organized
1. Volunteered Springer International conference on “Wireless Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous Computing and Applications” in GRIET from 24th to 25th August, 20182. Organized INDUSTRIAL VISIT to Ness Technologies, Madhapur Hyderabad under Women Empowerment on MARCH 6th 2018
3. Organized HACKATHON as the member of GRIET – CSI SB core committee held on 9th and 10th March , 2018
4. Organized Workshop on Web Development held on 2nd and 3rd February , 2018.
5. Organized Technical Talk by Prof.Rishto on Evolution on Neural Networks held on 14th December 2017
6. As a department Technology cell coordinator Volunteered many Guest Lectures on Cloud Computing, Rockets and Missile Systems, Agile and Scrum Technologies, Recent Trends in Web Technologies,Cyber Crime for the academic year 2017-2018.
7. As a Resourse Person Organized Workshop on INTRODUCTION TO ARDUINO held on 22nd and 23rd of September 2017
8. Organized College Level Events like X-Kernal and Pragnya successfully
Participated /Awarded Workshop's/FDP's/STTP'S
1.Participated in Colloquium'14 on computing on 11th October 2014
1. Particiated in One-Day FDP on Data Structures and Algorithms behind Auto Suggest in association with Being Zero Consulting Private Limited on 14th March 2015
2. Participated in a Two-week ISTE STTP on Introduction to Design of Algorithms Conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur from 27th April to 30th May2015
3. Recognized by THE ORACLE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM As an Oracle Database SQL Certified Expert on April 21,2015
4. Participated in Faculty Development Program on GUIDE TO A PASSIONATE TEACHER during 29 June-04 July 2015
5. Participated in 2-Day Faculty Development Program on Internet of Things and its Applications Organized during 4-5 December 2015
6. Participated in 2-Day Faculty Development Program on Current Research Trends in Computer Science Organized during 4-5 December 2015
1.Received a HONOUR CODE CERTIFICATE for successfully completion of ET601Tx:Educational Technology for Engineering Teachers offered by IIT BombayX,an online learning initiative of IIT,Bombay conducted Between 07 January-07 March 2016
2. Participated in a Two-week Faculty Development Program on Open Source Software through TEL by Soken Tutorials during 06 Sep-17 Sep 2016
3.Participated in MeitY,Govt of India,Sponsored Faculty Development Program on DATA SCIENCE & BIG DATA ANALYTICS Organised by the E & ICT Academy,National Institute of Technology,Warangal from 4th - 6th and 11th - 13th November ,2016 and achieved ‘A’ Grade in the test.
1. Participated and Awarded The Member of GRIET-CSI Student Chapter Core Committee In recognition of valuable contribution to the grand success of AAVISHKAR 2K17 held on 19th January,2017.
2. Participated in Two-Day Faculty Development Program Embedded Systems Workshop using TivaC ,Booster Pack & Energia on March 9th & 10th
3. Awarded Certificate of Organization for excellent work as a Faculty Coordinator for X -Kernel by Department of Information Technology on 7th & 8th of April 2017
4. Awarded Certicate of Appreciation in recognition of invaluable contribution as Organizer and Resourse Person for the grand success of INTRODUCTION TO ARDUINO Workshop held on 22nd and 23rd of September 2017
5. Successfully completed an AICTE approved Faculty Development Programme(FDP101x) on Foundation Program in ICT for Education conducted by IIT Bombay from August 3, 2017 to September 7, 2017.
6 .Successfully completed an AICTE approved Faculty Development Programme(FDP201x) on Pedagogy for online and Blended Teaching- Learning Process conducted by IIT Bombay from September 14, 2017 to October 12, 2017 and stood top amongst 241 performers from a total of 5308 participants in the programme
7.Participated in a Two-Day Saptahaant Shikshak Prashikshan on Introduction to Machine Learning conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur on 16th December , 2017 and 17th December , 2017.
8. Conducted GRIET MOODLE course on WEB TECHNOLOGIES for III year II Semester Students
9. Participated in Technical Talk by Prof.Rishto on Evolution on Neural Networks held on 14th December 2017
1 . Awarded CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION In Recognition of valuable contribution as Faculty Coordinator for the grand success of Workshop on Web Development held on 2nd and 3rd February , 2018.
2. Awarded CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION, the member of GRIET – CSI SB core committee in recognition of valuable contribution to the grand success of HACKATHON held on 9th and 10th March , 2018.
3 . Participated One-Day Hands-on Workshop on Getting Started with Raspberry PI, OpenCV and Machine Learning on 11th July 2018.
4. Awarded CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION for rendered commendable services as “Faculty Coordinator” for CSE Department during PRAGNYA ‘18
5 . Organized INDUSTRIAL VISIT to Ness Technologies, Madhapur Hyderabad under Women Empowerment on MARCH 6th 2018
6 . Conducted GRIET MOODLE course on Mobile computing and Applications for IV year I Semester Students
7.Volunteered Springer International Conference on “Wireless Sensor Networks,Ubiquitous Computing and Applications in GRIET held on 24th and 25th August 2018